1988 Aged Ginseng Oolong Tea, Lot 237
This attractively-priced aged tea is another lot that comes from our own family reserve, just like this lot, but this one has quite a different story. Usually aged teas will just sit quietly in a corner of a room to mature, but this Lot 237 is a rather well-travelled one! It was scented in 1994 from a stock of local grown, hand-picked Cing Xin, possibly from Mr. Chen's garden of the time. And then, this production was shipped to China to supply the family's chain of tea stores. Not long ago, we received an enthusiastic phone call from China, Mr. Chen had found by chance a small batch of this lot in our China factory, and after tasting it, was pleasantly surprised by the way it had matured. Enough so, to call Taiwan to brag about it! He described its nice aged character, with roasted nuttiness, dried fruit compote, and “crême-brulée” burnt-sugar sweetness. But most of all, the nice, mellowed-out ginseng finish of sweet warmth that lasts and lasts. This was not his usual style to boast about some his teas, so we all thought that this Lot must be something! So we ordered it back to its origins, in Taiwan, and it is now ready to travel further to your teapots, wherever they may be! This tea was previously sold as a 1994. We've found new evidence that traces this lot to 1988 and made the correction accordingly. We apologize for the possible confusion.