Tea Craving Pig Figurines
Very often made from lumps of residual clay resulting from wheel-turning handmade pots, these amusing tea pets were irresistible to us, as I am sure they will be for you! These amusing figurines are the perfect companions to the Tea Gargoyles and Dragon-Faced Lid Holders from the same artist. They are the work of Mr. Zhang, a young potter from Taichung who studied under Bai Zong-Ping and spent many years at Lin's Ceramics beforehand. He now runs his own studio from his home. Known out west as tea pets, these tea table companions serve as decorations among your tea equipage and are sure to add a bit of entertainment value to your tea settings. These hand made figurines are designed to hook to brim of cups and bowls from both the front and rear legs, as well as sit on their rump. As with all of his work, the shape and execution are precise, flawless and with great attention to detail, just like all of his tea ware items. Handmade one by one in Taiwan.