It’s been not even 2 weeks since rows of young tea bushes have found a new home in the red earth adjacent to our compound and consequently changed life’s pace for this writer. Just like a proud new father who is struck with the responsibility of caring for new living creatures, one gets up much earlier than usual since then, and without any additional effort might I add. The giddy pride and simple pleasure of witnessing life taking root get’s us out of bed and into our wellies for an attentionate daily hand watering before it gets too hot.

The weather has been particularly nice for humans since the planting with sunny days well into the mid-twenties and no rain. This has meant extra care to get the young bushes off to go a good start. Yesterday, we’ve nonetheless managed to reach our first milestone. We’ve now reached the stage of relying on sprinklers instead of hosing. So, this morning was my first day of reprieve, and instead of flicking on the water pump I’ve reached for my camera to accompany me to the field.

So, if you don’t mind, just like a proud father showing off pictures of his new baby, here are a few snapshots of my new shoots. Aren’t they pretty?

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